
Receiving a transfer for treatment

When the health insurance association determines that the transportation cost of a patient who is difficult to move due to illness or injury and has been transferred when necessary, is "transportation cost" when the health insurance association determines that it meets the following three requirements: Will be paid as Dependents will receive the same benefits as a "family transfer fee".

Transport cost

Payment amount
Actual cost within the standard amount calculated by the Health Insurance Society

Requirements for payment of transport costs

  • To receive appropriate medical insurance
  • It is extremely difficult to move
  • Emergency or other unavoidable thing
* Outpatient fees are not covered.
* To receive the payment, approval from the Health Insurance Society is required in advance (after the fact, if unavoidable).

Regarding the amount of payment, we will pay the full amount calculated by the Health Insurance Society as expenses when transferred by the most economical ordinary route and method.
In addition, if an attendant such as a doctor is required for transportation, in principle, personnel expenses such as daily allowance of one attendant shall be paid only when the doctor determines that medical management was required.

Required documents
  • Transportation cost application 
    * Please contact the Health Insurance Society.